Family favorite (adapted from Mama Leone’s son’s cookbook)

Whatever you do, please do not let an aversion to anchovies keep you from trying this.  Unless you make this yourself, you will never guess the magic ingredient.


6 tablespoons olive oil
¼ cup butter
3 large garlic cloves, mashed                 
16 fresh parsley sprigs, leaves only
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper                             
½ teaspoon salt
6 cups (three 1-pound cans) peeled plum tomatoes
1 tablespoon dried oregano
8 anchovy fillets, chopped
2 heaping tablespoons tomato paste

Combine olive oil and butter in a saucepan and heat.  Chop garlic and parsley together and add to the pan.  Cook slowly for 5 minutes, then add salt and pepper. 
Drain the tomatoes and chop the solids.  Add the chopped tomatoes and oregano to the sauce and cook slowly for 30 minutes. 
Add anchovies and tomato paste, stir well, and remove from the heat. 
At the end of cooking, taste for salt and add some if necessary, but remember, the anchovies will make the sauce salty.    

Yield:  Makes about 5 cups.

This is very good, combined with another Italian-style sauce, Time-Life's Tomato Sauce, below, as a sauce for Meatballs.

Tomato Sauce (adapted from Time-Life) [4X's recipe]


1 1/2 cup olive oil

4 1/2 cup chopped onion

12 8-oz. cans tomato sauce

2 6-oz. cans tomato paste

1 Tb. basil

2 tsp. thyme

2 T. salt

1 T. pepper

1 1/2 cup dry red wine


This recipe has been kitchen tested.

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